Tennessee Arrests Search

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Explore Tennessee Arrests Search for quick access to recent arrest records, charges, and booking information in Tennessee, offering reliable and detailed insights for users and professionals.

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What is an Arrest Record in Tennessee?

An arrest record in Tennessee is an official document created by law enforcement after a person is apprehended for a crime. It documents someone's capture on suspicion of a crime but does not establish their guilt. These records include the suspect's personal details, a description of the incident, fingerprints, mugshot, arrest date and location, charges filed, and other relevant information​.

Are Arrest Records Public in Tennessee?

Yes, arrest records are public in Tennessee, and anyone can obtain them by submitting a written request to the custodial law enforcement agency. However, certain records are exempt from public disclosure, such as juvenile arrest records, records of individuals arrested but not convicted, student arrest records, and investigative records.

How to Look Up Someone's Arrest Records in Tennessee?

You can obtain arrest records from the law enforcement agency responsible for the arrest or through the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI). TBI offers adult criminal background checks via the Tennessee Open Records Information Services (TORIS). Online searches with TORIS require a fee of $29, but fee waivers may be requested.

What if My Arrest Record Has a Mistake?

Errors in a Tennessee arrest record can be corrected by making a formal request to the TBI, accompanied by fingerprints for identity verification. If the error cannot be fixed, the record holder may petition the court to expunge the record.